Nonprofit Services Board Governance
Refine and guide your board to ensure it understands its unique and pivotal leadership role, fostering a "hands on, but fingers off" approach that drives effective governance and operational agility.
The truth is that very few boards understand neither their vital role in the organization nor the exciting ways in which they can impact the organization’s mission, without getting involved in daily operations. Boards should set the tone for the organization and are ultimately responsible for whether it fulfills its mission. Most organizational failures can be traced back to the organization’s board because the board didn’t understand its fiduciary responsibility or what it means to act with due diligence ⎯ both of which have their basis in Law.
In working together, we can strengthen your board’s operations and composition, while clarifying the role it plays in the organization. Most of this work begins with the board better understanding its roles and responsibilities, while issues of trust between the executive and the board, or between board members, may also need to be addressed. Let’s work to ensure that your board acts in partnership with and in support of the executive and the organization’s mission.
I invite you to ask yourself:
Is your board of directors operating in the way you and/or the organization needs it to?
Is the board too involved in daily operations, and/or does the board drift out of its governance lane?
Does it feel like your board is out of touch, unengaged, and a “meeting only” board?
Does your board truly understand its governance responsibilities?
Let me help you assess your situation and explore solutions for building a strong foundation for sustained success.
Paul W. Hamann Nonprofit Strategic Leader paul@impactnps.com